In her series, Dare alla Luce, photographer Amy Friend alters vintage images by deliberately allowing light to pass through them. Amy says the project aims to return the photographs, and indeed the souls of the subjects, to the atmosphere. “In a literal and somewhat playful manner,” she says. “I aimed to give the photographs back to the light, hence the title of the series, Dare alla Luce, an Italian phrase used to describe the moment of birth.”
Lake Rousseau, 1931:

We are a tablet of wax:

The three of them:

I dream of that day:

All that is solid melts into the air:

I see little echoes:

January 30, 1953:

My sister:



We are the spirit rappers:

Ruth, October 1936:

Small museums of everyday life:

The revenants:

Late summer evening:

Latent Light:

title unknown:

title unknown:

The ol' neighborhood 1949:

Amy creates limited multiple archival digital prints of her work that you can purchase through Atti gallery or contact Amy to request price and information.
About Amy:
Amy Friend currently divides her time between Windsor, Toronto and St. Catharines, Ontario. She studied briefly at the Ontario College of Art and Design before embarking on intermittent travels through Europe, Morocco, Cuba and the United States. She holds a BFA Honours Degree and a BEd Degree from York University as well as an MFA Degree from the University of WIndsor. She was awarded a Social Science and Humanities Grant and an Ontario Graduate Scholarship. She was featured in the Magenta Flash Forward Competition and has received several awards for her work such as the Ontario Arts Council Emerging Artist Grant in 2009 and 2011 as well as a travel grant for exhibition in Cuba. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. In the summer of 2011 Amy attended a residency at the Banff Centre for the Arts. Currently, Amy teaches at Brock University in the Fine Arts Department.
images courtesy of Amy Friend and Atti Gallery and the two images with unknown titles courtesy of Xaxor
Thanks to Phaidon for bringing her work to my attention