One of my favorite graphic designers, Olly Moss, worked with The Academy and Gallery 1988 to create the official "85 Years of Oscars" poster for the 85th Academy Awards.
The poster (which is enlarged in sections below for you) contains Oscar Statuettes that have been re-imagined and drawn to symbolize the Oscar winning movie. Especially unique are the Oscar statuette drawings for Schindler's List (The little girl in the red coat), and for The Artist (black and white). Olly says "The brief was one of the hardest I’ve ever had; find a way to reference every single Best Picture winner from the last 85 years."
Here's a key to the Best Picture Winners referenced in the poster for you:

I have enlarged each Oscar statuette from the poster for you below.





The poster debuted as part of Gallery 1988's Academy Awards project.
Olly Moss