Jewelry designer Thomas Giesen has been creating and producing his own jewellery collections in his own workshop for 20 years.

With several beautifully crafted pieces to his credit, it's his Contura rings that fascinate me. He developed the idea of crafting luxury rings from a human profile in 1998 and it took him a few years to develop the technique to get it precisely right. The final result is a very unique and personal Red Dot Design Award-winning piece of jewelry.

The Contura Rings can be crafted from yellow, white, rose or black gold, silver, titanium, platinum or stainless steel. Available in 8,10,12 and 14mm widths, the rings are suited to any gender or age.

And many options are available. Diamonds, pearls and other gemstones may be added in a variety of styles (see below):

Jeweller Thomas Giesen:

Prices range quite a bit depending on the style and material. For more information or to order one visit this site.